Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Free Will

I believe in free will. It was just the way that I was raised. I have strong beliefs in the Catholic Church growing up that way. We are all given free will, free to make our own choices, and do whatever we like. God has given us free will because without free will we are not able to give unconditional love. I believe that if one cannot make the decision oneself, then they are not able to love someone.

I used to believe in destiny, but I just thought about it one day that I was bored, and realized that if we all have a destiny that we are going to live out then what is the point of living. I would have all the opportunities presented to me so the "thrill" that I would get out of life was to take the opportunity. I just didn't see the plausible explanation for a destiny.

As for the other idea, that we are shaped by our environment and our surroundings. I haven't thought about much, so I guess that could be possible seeing how when people grow-up in different parts of the world, they act different and have different "fates."

I fail to see how these three ideas could all exist in the same world. The idea of free will and destiny contradict each other, and the "surroundings" idea fits in between the two others.

1 comment:

Ace said...

It seems your philosophy says that one cannot exist at the same time as the other.